Art Thou a Man Thy Tears Are Womanish Analysis

Romeo and Juliet Translation Deed iii, Scene 3

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Romeo, come up forth. Come forth, g fearful human being. Illness is enamoured of thy parts, And 1000 art wedded to calamity.


Romeo, come up hither. Come up hither, you frightened man. Trouble follows yous, and you're married to ending.


Father, what news? What is the Prince's doom? What sorrow craves acquaintance at my hand That I yet know not?


Begetter, what'southward the news? Did the Prince state how I am to be punished? What unknown suffering is coming for me?


Too familiar Is my dear son with such sour company. I bring thee tidings of the Prince'southward doom.


My dear son, you're too familiar with suffering. I do have news for you about the Prince'south penalization for y'all.


What less than doomsday is the Prince's doom?


Is it anything less than my death?


A gentler judgment vanished from his lips: Not body's decease, but trunk's banishment.


His judgment was gentler than that. Yous won't be executed, only will be banished from Verona.


Ha, banishment! Be merciful, say "decease," For exile hath more terror in his wait, Much more than expiry. Exercise not say "adjournment."


Adjournment! Be merciful: say "expiry." Exile is much worse to me than death. Don't say "banishment."


Hence from Verona art thou banishèd. Be patient, for the world is broad and broad.


You are banished from Verona. Be patient, the globe is big and anything can happen.


There is no world without Verona walls Simply purgatory, torture, hell itself. Hence "banishèd" is banished from the world, And world'due south exile is expiry. And then "banishèd," Is death mistermed. Calling death "banishment," 1000 cutt'st my head off with a golden ax And smilest upon the stroke that murders me.


The globe outside Verona'south walls is similar purgatory, torture, hell itself. Being banished from Verona is the same as being banished from the earth, and beingness banished from the globe is the same as death. Banishment is just a different name for death. So telling me that I'm banished is similar cutting off my caput with a golden ax and grin while murdering me.


O deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! Thy fault our law calls decease, but the kind Prince, Taking thy part, hath rushed aside the constabulary, And turned that blackness word "expiry" to "adjournment." This is dear mercy, and 1000 seest it non.


Oh, mortiferous sin! Oh, you rude, unthankful child! Your crime is punishable by death, simply the Prince in his kindness defended yous, and bypassed the police force by replacing expiry with banishment. This is mercy, merely yous tin can't see it.


'Tis torture and not mercy. Heaven is here, Where Juliet lives, and every cat and domestic dog And petty mouse, every unworthy thing, Live here in heaven and may expect on her, Just Romeo may not. More validity, More honorable state, more courtship lives In feces flies than Romeo. They may seize On the white wonder of dearest Juliet's hand And steal immortal approval from her lips, Who even in pure and vestal modesty, Nevertheless chroma, as thinking their own kisses sin. But Romeo may non. He is banishèd. Flies may exercise this, but I from this must fly. They are gratis men, just I am banishèd. And sayst thou yet that exile is not death? Hadst thou no poison mixed, no abrupt-ground knife, No sudden mean of death, though ne'er so mean, But "banishèd" to kill me?—"Banishèd"! O Friar, the damnèd use that word in hell. Howling attends information technology. How hast thou the heart, Being a divine, a ghostly confessor, A sin-absolver, and my friend professed, To mangle me with that give-and-take "banishèd"?


It's torture, non mercy. Heaven is in Verona considering this is where Juliet lives. Every cat and dog and little mouse, every unworthy creature, that lives in Verona lives in heaven because information technology can see her. But I won't be able to. Carrion-eating flies will have more than vitality, a more blessed existence, and more romance than I will. They can touch Juliet's white hand and can steal kisses from her sweet lips, which—though she is a pure virgin—blush when they touch each other because they recall it'south a sin. But Romeo can't touch her mitt or kiss her. Flies can buss her, but I must fly from the city. Flies are free, but I've been banished. Do yous still debate that exile isn't death? You didn't have some poison, a sharpened knife, or some other weapon that you could have used to kill me apace, nothing so disgraceful, other than banishment? Oh Friar, damned souls use the word "adjournment" to describe hell. They howl the give-and-take. How, as a priest, confessor, and my friend, tin you have the heart to say to me the word "banished?"


Thou fond mad man, hear me a little speak.


You silly madman, listen to me for a second.


Oh, thou wilt speak once more of banishment.


At present you lot're but going to talk once again about adjournment.


I'll give thee armor to keep off that word— Adversity'south sweet milk, philosophy— To comfort thee though thou art banishèd.


I'll protect yous from that discussion by using the cure for adversity—philosophy—which will condolement y'all even though you lot've been banished.


Yet "banishèd"? Hang up philosophy! Unless philosophy can make a Juliet, Displant a town, reverse a prince's doom, It helps not, it prevails non. Talk no more.


In the confront of banishment, permit philosophy be hanged! Unless philosophy can create a Juliet, motility an entire town to a new place, or reverse a prince'southward punishment, it tin't help me. Cease talking.


Oh, and so I run across that madmen have no ears.


Ah, I've discovered that madmen are deaf.


How should they, when that wise men accept no optics?


Why should madmen hear, when wise men can't see?


Allow me dispute with thee of thy manor.


Allow me discuss your situation with y'all.


Thou canst not speak of that grand dost non feel. Wert thou as young as I, Juliet thy dearest, An hour only married, Tybalt murderèd, Doting like me, and similar me banishèd, Then mightst thou speak, then mightst chiliad tear thy hair And fall upon the ground, equally I exercise now, Taking the measure of an unmade grave.


You can't talk about something yous don't feel. If you were equally young as I am, in dearest with Juliet, married to her for just an hour, and had murdered Tybalt ...If you loved her as I exercise and were banished as I am, then yous could talk about it. Though instead you might tear out your hair and fall to the ground the way I do right now [He falls on the basis] in social club to measure out out your grave.


Arise. I knocks. Good Romeo, hide thyself.


Get upwards. Someone'southward knocking. Hibernate, proficient Romeo.

Knocking sounds from offstage.


Not I, unless the breath of heartsick groans, Mistlike, infold me from the search of eyes.


The only way I'll hibernate is if my heartsick groans produce a mist that covers me from people's searching eyes.


Hark, how they knock!—Who's in that location?—Romeo, ascend. Thou wilt be taken.—Stay awhile.—Stand upward.


They knock again!—Who'southward there?—Romeo, stand up. They'll catch you.— Hold on a moment.—Romeo, stand up.

Run to my report.—By and by!—God's will, What simpleness is this!—I come up, I come.

Hide in my report.—Just a minute—For the beloved of God, don't be so stupid! I'1000 coming. I'm coming.

Who knocks so hard? Whence come yous? What'southward your will?

Who is it that is knocking and then hard? Where do you come up from? What do you want?


[From within] Let me come in, and you shall know my errand. I come from Lady Juliet.


[From offstage] Let me in, and I'll tell you why I'm here. I come from Lady Juliet.


[Opens the door] Welcome so.


[Opening the door] Welcome, then.


O holy Friar, O, tell me, holy Friar, Where is my lady's lord? Where'due south Romeo?


Oh, holy Friar. Oh, tell me, holy Friar, where is my lady's husband? Where's Romeo?


There on the ground, with his own tears made drunk.


At that place, on the ground, drunk on his ain tears.


Oh, he is even in my mistress' case, Just in her case. O woeful sympathy, Piteous predicament! However lies she, Babble and weeping, weeping and blubbering. Stand up up, stand upwards. Stand, an y'all be a man. For Juliet's sake, for her sake, ascent and stand. Why should yous fall into so deep an O?


He's interim like Juliet, exactly like her. Oh awful sympathy! What a dreadful predicament! She's lying on the ground just like him, blubbering and weeping, weeping and blubbering. Stand. Stand upwards. Stand up if you lot're a man. For Juliet's sake, for her sake, rise and stand. Why do you moan so terribly?


Ah sir, ah sir. Expiry's the end of all.


Well, sir, well. Death comes for everybody.


Spakest thou of Juliet? How is it with her? Doth she not think me an erstwhile murderer, At present I take stained the childhood of our joy With blood removed just lilliputian from her own? Where is she? And how doth she? And what says My concealed lady to our canceled honey?


What of Juliet? How is she? Does she think that I'k a common cold-blooded murderer because I corrupted our newfound love by killing her relative? Where is she? How is she? What does my wife say about our beloved?


Oh, she says nothing, sir, just weeps and weeps, And now falls on her bed, and then starts up, And "Tybalt" calls, and then on Romeo cries, And and so downward falls again.


Oh, she says cipher, sir. Instead she weeps and weeps. She falls on her bed, then starts to become up, and then calls out Tybalt'southward name and then your name, and so she falls back down on the bed.


Every bit if that name, Shot from the mortiferous level of a gun, Did murder her, equally that proper noun's cursed hand Murdered her kinsman. O, tell me, Friar, tell me, In what vile part of this anatomy Doth my name lodge? Tell me, that I may sack The hateful mansion. [He draws his dagger]


She calls out my proper noun as if it were a bullet that had been shot from a gun and murdered her, but as I murdered her cousin. Tell me, Friar, in what vile office of my torso does my name rest? Tell me, so I tin can cut information technology out of myself. [He draws his dagger]


Hold thy desperate hand. Art thou a man? Thy form cries out thou fine art. Thy tears are womanish. Thy wild acts denote The unreasonable fury of a beast. Unseemly woman in a seeming man, And ill-beseeming beast in seeming both! Thou hast amazed me. By my holy order, I idea thy disposition amend tempered. Hast thou slain Tybalt? Wilt thou slay thyself, And slay thy lady that in thy life lives Past doing damnèd hate upon thyself? Why rails'st thou on thy birth, the heaven, and earth? Since birth and heaven and world, all three do meet In thee at once, which g at once wouldst lose? Fie, fie, one thousand shamest thy shape, thy beloved, thy wit, Which, like a usurer, abound'st in all And usest none in that true use indeed Which should bedeck thy shape, thy dear, thy wit. Thy noble shape is but a form of wax, Digressing from the valor of a man; Thy dear love sworn only hollow perjury, Killing that beloved which thou hast vowed to cherish; Thy wit, that ornament to shape and dearest, Misshapen in the conduct of them both, Like powder in a skill-less soldier'due south flask, Is prepare afire by thine own ignorance; And chiliad dismembered with thine ain defense. What, rouse thee, human! Thy Juliet is live, For whose dear sake grand wast only lately expressionless— There art k happy. Tybalt would kill thee, But m slew'st Tybalt—there art thousand happy. The law that threatened death becomes thy friend And turns information technology to exile—there art thou happy. A pack of blessings light upon thy back, Happiness courts thee in her best assortment, Only, similar a misbehaved and sullen wench, Grand pout'st upon thy fortune and thy love. Take heed, take heed, for such die miserable. Go, get thee to thy love, as was decreed. Arise her bedchamber, hence, and comfort her. But expect thou stay not till the lookout be set, For then yard canst not pass to Mantua, Where thou shalt live, till we can find a time To blaze your marriage, reconcile your friends, Beg pardon of the Prince, and call thee back With twenty hundred 1000 times more joy Than g went'st forth in lamentation.— Go before, Nurse. Commend me to thy lady, And bid her hasten all the business firm to bed, Which heavy sorrow makes them apt unto. Romeo is coming.


Cease! Don't do annihilation out of agony. Are y'all a man? You lot expect like a homo. Just your tears are womanly . Your wildness is like the irrational fury of a beast. You're like an inappropriate woman hiding inside a man, or, even worse, a shameful beast hiding within a half-man, half-adult female! Y'all amaze me. By my holy order, I swear I thought you were stronger and more stable than this. Have you killed Tybalt? Volition you kill yourself, and in performing such a sin likewise kill your wife, who shares your life? Why are y'all ranting about your birth, the heavens, and the earth? You are made of the joining of all iii, and now want nada to do with them? You bring shame to your body, your love, and your mind. You are blessed with all three, but similar a moneylender yous practice non utilise your body, love, or listen for their true purpose. Without honor or dignity, your body is just a wax effigy. The dear that y'all swore is just a hollow prevarication, since yous now threaten to kill the beloved that you vowed to cherish. Your mind, that central to both your body and your dear, has failed to handle both of them. Yous're like an unskilled soldier who accidentally explodes his own gunpowder considering he does not know how to utilise it: you end up killing yourself with the very thing meant to protect you. Now get a agree of yourself, homo! Your Juliet is alive (for whose sake you were just threatening to kill yourself). That is something to exist happy about. Tybalt tried to kill you, but you killed Tybalt. That is something to be happy about. The constabulary that promised death for yous was mercifully changed into exile—another thing to be happy about. Y'all take been blessed multiple times, and are surrounded past brightest happiness. But like a misbehaved and sullen daughter, you're pouting near your bad luck and thwarted honey. Now heed to me: those who act the mode y'all are acting at present die miserable. Go, exist with your love, equally we planned. Climb up to her chamber and comfort her. But make certain to leave before the watchmen take their positions, considering they will terminate you before you tin can escape to Mantua. You'll alive in Mantua until nosotros tin can announce your union publicly, make peace betwixt your families, and beg the Prince to pardon y'all. Then we'll welcome you back with twenty grand times more joy than y'all'll feel when leaving. Nurse, go to Juliet earlier Romeo follows. Give my regards to your lady, and tell her to hurry everybody in her house to bed. It's likely that their sorrow volition brand them want to go to sleep, anyway. Romeo is coming.


O Lord, I could have stayed here all the night To hear good counsel. Oh, what learning is! My lord, I'll tell my lady you will come.


Oh Lord, I could stay hither all night listening to good advice like yours. Education is astonishing!

[To  ROMEO] My lord, I'll tell my lady y'all will come.


Practise and so, and bid my sweet prepare to admonish.


Practise that, and tell my beloved to be ready to scold me.


Here, sir, a ring she bid me give you, sir. [Gives ROMEO JULIET's ring] Hie you, brand haste, for it grows very late.


Here, sir, take this band she asked me to give you. [She gives ROMEO JULIET's ring] Hurry, it's getting late.


How well my comfort is revived by this!


This ring lifts my spirits!


Go hence. Good dark. And here stands all your land: Either exist gone before the watch be fix, Or by the break of day disguised from hence. Sojourn in Mantua. I'll observe out your man, And he shall signify from fourth dimension to time Every good hap to you lot that chances here. Give me thy hand. 'Tis late. Farewell, good dark.


Now go. Good nighttime. And recall that everything depends on you being out of Verona before the dark picket takes its position, or that you disguise yourself and leave after daybreak. Stay a while in Mantua. I'll discover your servant, and every once in a while I'll transport you news through him nigh every good affair that occurs for yous here. Requite me your manus. Information technology's late. Goodbye. Good night.


Only that a joy past joy calls out on me, Information technology were a grief and then brief to part with thee. Cheerio.


Even if I didn't have the greatest joy I'll always feel calling out to me, it would notwithstanding exist sad to leave you in such a hurry. Goodbye.


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